Odoo: Electronic Invoice Exporting

Most Frequent Errors


We are Odoo Ready Partner and we have an italian blog tailored to uncovering the world of this open-source software, with various articles and our first-hand experiences. 

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Electronic invoice exporting has always been a touchy matter. Today we have decided to write an article in the most frequent errors tou may encounter while exporting electronic invoices form Odoo. The article will be continuously updated, so keep your eyes ope and share with us your experiences! You have completed your sale and created the resulting invoice. You are now ready to click the button "Esporta Fattura" but your screen is showing "odoo server error - Warning" 

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Read the warning carefully and solve the problem without panicking and keeping your cool.

Usually, these errors sound like they come from outer space, but you will learn to decipher them one step at a time.